Your Pathway To Better Health
Pathway Direct Primary Care
Carrollton, TX
Frisco, TX
A message from Dr. Hussain
I'm Dr. Omar Hussain. My goal is to bring back the doctor-patient relationship by providing unrushed, personalized, and comprehensive health care for you and your family.
I want to make quality health care affordable and accessible--two things that are getting hard to find in today's medical environment.
By working together, we can find a pathway to your health.
Learn More About Dr. HussainWhat is Direct Primary Care?
Affordable, convenient healthcare for you and your family. Get high-quality medical care and DIRECT access to your doctor—just like medicine used to be, but made for the modern world.
Direct Primary Care (DPC) is a model of healthcare delivery in which patients pay a monthly or annual fee to have direct access to to primary care services, typically from a physician or small group of physicians.
In a DPC practice, there is typically no insurance involvement and no billing for services. Instead, patients pay a membership fee that covers most of all of the primary care services they need. You can be a member whether you have insurance or not.
DPC practices often have lower overhead costs than traditional primary care practices, which allows them to offer more personalized care at a lower cost to patients.
Learn more in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.
Our Services
Pathway Programs
Do you have a specific health need but are dealing with multiple doctors providing numerous recommendations, making it challenging to coordinate care and leaving you feeling frustrated? Are you struggling to find someone that can spend time with you to bring it all together and streamline your healthcare journey?
Our Pathway Programs are designed to provide a tailored and comprehensive approach to specific health needs, ensuring that every individual receives personalized and attentive care. We provide detailed, holistic care to try and minimize extra doctors’ visits and referrals, as well as direct communication with your doctor at any time to give you the access and attention you deserve!
Explore the diverse Pathway Programs at Pathway Direct Primary Care and choose the route that aligns with your health goals. With a commitment to personalized care, accessibility, and expertise, our pathways pave the way for your journey to optimal health and well-being.